Name Region Description
Apple Chains Bretagne The showcases on the apple chain (both in Brittany, Ax.1b) offer solutions for thevalorisation of residues from apple-cider production. The showcase 1 demonstratesnew solutions to stabilise fresh cider residues (conventional practice: drying; new:oxidation control) and highlights the sustainability aspects of the new solutions.Various cider producers participate. The showcase 2 demonstrates the range ofproducts possible to make from cider residues. It considers cascade fractionations togain pectin and polyphenolic extracts and anaerobic digestions process to gain biogas.Additionally, the possibilities to combine the production processes with otherbioresources from nearby are shown. Regional partners (INRAE, IFPC) together with local apple cider producers and otherindustries provide expertise’s and technical means for the showcases. Transnationalpartners (TUHH, GBB, AU, DELPHY, PSKW, NBF) support with knowledge and productapplication as well as multiplication suggestions.
Food crops Østjylland This showcase in Østjylland (Ax.1b) demonstrates solutions for food crop farms using avariety of biorefinery products from regional stakeholders to build system fertility. Itdemonstrates in long-term field trials with vegetables and legumes, how products(regional sourced digestates, composts, plant residue fertilisers) from rural and urbanbioresources can improve sustainable, high-value food crop production and supportsoil fertility building. The demonstrations focus on food crop yield, soil fertility andsystems environmental and climate impact. The pilot will continue at least 8 years fordemonstration to stakeholders. Regional partners (AU, HA) set-up and demonstrate the showcase. Transregionalpartners (SMEETS, INRAE, PSKW, VLACO, EVILVO, DELPHY, GBB, NBF), contribute withexpertise, and make use of the outcomes. Regional supporters from various sectors(Ax.1a) are included for further transfer initiatives.
Greenhouses Vlaams Gewest The greenhouse showcases (Ax.1b) explore and demonstrate solutions for compostingof horticultural greenhouse residues to produce high quality composts. The focus is oncontaminants. Showcase 1 demonstrate, how conventional plastics used on plants ingreenhouses (clips, pots, markings) can be replaced by biodegradable materials madefrom PLA or TPS-Blends or fiber-based materials. Showcase 2 demonstrates how various biodegradable materials are transformed during composting und thechallenges involved. Regional partners (PSKW, VLACO) accompany the showcases and work with localindustrial composters and greenhouses to draw on their experiences with composting,impurities and biodegradable materials. They are supported by other regional (PCS,EV-ILVO, NP) and transregional partners (TUHH, UHH AU, DELPHY, HA, SMEETS, INRAE,NBF), who also act as multipliers. INRAE transfers results for instance to tomatogreenhouses in Brittany.
Municipality & farms 1 Lübeck, Kreisfreie Stadt These showcases in the Lübeck and Lüchow region (Ax.1b) offer innovative solutionsfor communes and farms to expand range of bioresources and products. Showcase 1(public waste company) aims to enhance source-separated household food waste,integrate rural bio-resources, and include new products (biomethane, tailoredcomposts, ammonia fertilizers, wood chips, fibers). Showcase 2 (organic farm withvegetables, cows, forest) focuses on preventing pollution (plastics, emissions),producing purified methane and carbon dioxide from biogas, and tailored compostsand digestates. Various external bioresources are combined with the farm's own. Regional partners (EBL, GBB, TUHH, UHH) are involved in setting up and monitoringof the showcases. Transregional partners (SMEETS, INRAE, NP, PSKW, VLACO, AU, NBF)contribute with expertise and support transfer. Regional supporters from varioussectors (Ax.1a) are included for further transfer initiatives. Selected showcases arefurther analysed in WP4.
Municipality & farms 2 Lüchow-Dannenberg These showcases in the Lübeck and Lüchow region (Ax.1b) offer innovative solutionsfor communes and farms to expand range of bioresources and products. Showcase 1(public waste company) aims to enhance source-separated household food waste,integrate rural bio-resources, and include new products (biomethane, tailoredcomposts, ammonia fertilizers, wood chips, fibers). Showcase 2 (organic farm withvegetables, cows, forest) focuses on preventing pollution (plastics, emissions),producing purified methane and carbon dioxide from biogas, and tailored compostsand digestates. Various external bioresources are combined with the farm's own. Regional partners (EBL, GBB, TUHH, UHH) are involved in setting up and monitoringof the showcases. Transregional partners (SMEETS, INRAE, NP, PSKW, VLACO, AU, NBF)contribute with expertise and support transfer. Regional supporters from varioussectors (Ax.1a) are included for further transfer initiatives. Selected showcases arefurther analysed in WP4.
Nature conservation 1 Prov. West-Vlaanderen Four study regions in Flanders (Ax.1b) demonstrate how maintenance residues fromnature reserves can be used. It is shown how they can be combined with residues fromagriculture and horticulture, and how valorisation can take place under involvement ofnearby stakeholders. Different conditioning and processing methods (mulching,composting, fermentation, anaerobic digestion) are demonstrated. The fourshowcases refer to the most interested and suitable farmers of the region. Eachshowcase looks at a different technology or mixture of substrates to demonstrate itsfeasibility and integratability of maintenance residues into farms. Policy advice isgiven to stimulate a reassessment of regulations that inhibit bioresource use. Regional partners (VLACO, NP, PCS, PSKW) cooperate with farmers that provide andprocess bioresources. EV-ILVO advises. Transregional partners (SMEETS, INRAE, AU,EBL, GBB, TUHH, UHH, NBF) contribute with expertise and experiences and theysupport transfer.
Nature conservation 2 Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen Four study regions in Flanders (Ax.1b) demonstrate how maintenance residues fromnature reserves can be used. It is shown how they can be combined with residues fromagriculture and horticulture, and how valorisation can take place under involvement ofnearby stakeholders. Different conditioning and processing methods (mulching,composting, fermentation, anaerobic digestion) are demonstrated. The fourshowcases refer to the most interested and suitable farmers of the region. Eachshowcase looks at a different technology or mixture of substrates to demonstrate itsfeasibility and integratability of maintenance residues into farms. Policy advice isgiven to stimulate a reassessment of regulations that inhibit bioresource use. Regional partners (VLACO, NP, PCS, PSKW) cooperate with farmers that provide andprocess bioresources. EV-ILVO advises. Transregional partners (SMEETS, INRAE, AU,EBL, GBB, TUHH, UHH, NBF) contribute with expertise and experiences and theysupport transfer.
Nature conservation 3 Prov. Antwerpen Four study regions in Flanders (Ax.1b) demonstrate how maintenance residues fromnature reserves can be used. It is shown how they can be combined with residues fromagriculture and horticulture, and how valorisation can take place under involvement ofnearby stakeholders. Different conditioning and processing methods (mulching,composting, fermentation, anaerobic digestion) are demonstrated. The fourshowcases refer to the most interested and suitable farmers of the region. Eachshowcase looks at a different technology or mixture of substrates to demonstrate itsfeasibility and integratability of maintenance residues into farms. Policy advice isgiven to stimulate a reassessment of regulations that inhibit bioresource use. Regional partners (VLACO, NP, PCS, PSKW) cooperate with farmers that provide andprocess bioresources. EV-ILVO advises. Transregional partners (SMEETS, INRAE, AU,EBL, GBB, TUHH, UHH, NBF) contribute with expertise and experiences and theysupport transfer.
Nature conservation 4 Prov. Limburg (BE) Four study regions in Flanders (Ax.1b) demonstrate how maintenance residues fromnature reserves can be used. It is shown how they can be combined with residues fromagriculture and horticulture, and how valorisation can take place under involvement ofnearby stakeholders. Different conditioning and processing methods (mulching,composting, fermentation, anaerobic digestion) are demonstrated. The fourshowcases refer to the most interested and suitable farmers of the region. Eachshowcase looks at a different technology or mixture of substrates to demonstrate itsfeasibility and integratability of maintenance residues into farms. Policy advice isgiven to stimulate a reassessment of regulations that inhibit bioresource use. Regional partners (VLACO, NP, PCS, PSKW) cooperate with farmers that provide andprocess bioresources. EV-ILVO advises. Transregional partners (SMEETS, INRAE, AU,EBL, GBB, TUHH, UHH, NBF) contribute with expertise and experiences and theysupport transfer.
Tree nurseries 1 Flevoland The nursery showcases (Ax.1b) focus on the use of growing media made from localbioresources for pot and ground cultivation of seedlings and larger trees. They showhow nurseries can meet their needs for improving soil organic matter, replacing peatand providing nutrients and growth stimulants. Showcase 1 (in Boskoop)demonstrates the use of products made from cow dung, grass, duckweed and ditchwaste, while Showcase 2 (in Flevoland) uses green biowaste. In addition, a moreclimate-resilient use of cultivated trees in rural and urban areas is demonstratedthrough the addition of tailor-made supplements. Regional partners (DELPHY, GBRP, SMEETS) are involved in the showcases set-up innurseries. Nature organisations, water agencies and municipalities are involved byproviding and processing of bioresources. Transregional partners support withstakeholders and sites mapping, bioresource analysis, processing advice andexperience in growing plants (INRAE, TUHH, UHH, AU, PSKW, PCS, NBF).