Collection Details

Ammerland (DE946) Green waste Door to door

Ammerland (DE946)

Landkreis Ammerland - Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb

Collection System:
Door to door

Waste Category:
Green waste


Allowed Materials:

Total number of collections per season:

  • January - December: Standard: 3


Branch and shrubs must be placed on the road in bundled form in good time by 6:30 a.m. on the day of collection; for this, rottable binding material such as bast or jute tape should be used and not wire or plastic tape. The bundles shall be shortened to a maximum length of 1.50 metres. Prepared trunks or branches must not have a diameter of more than 15 centimeters. The total quantity shall not exceed three cubic metres. Not or only partially bundled piles are not driven off. As part of the first collection in January, the Christmas trees will also be picked up. Branch and shrubs from private households can also be delivered free of charge (up to five cubic meters) to the Mansie landfill or to the recycling centres. However, it is only accepted or worn for free if it is at least arm's length (no small cut).

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