Showcase: Municipality & farms 2

Municipality & farms 2

These showcases in the Lübeck and Lüchow region (Ax.1b) offer innovative solutionsfor communes and farms to expand range of bioresources and products. Showcase 1(public waste company) aims to enhance source-separated household food waste,integrate rural bio-resources, and include new products (biomethane, tailoredcomposts, ammonia fertilizers, wood chips, fibers). Showcase 2 (organic farm withvegetables, cows, forest) focuses on preventing pollution (plastics, emissions),producing purified methane and carbon dioxide from biogas, and tailored compostsand digestates. Various external bioresources are combined with the farm's own. Regional partners (EBL, GBB, TUHH, UHH) are involved in setting up and monitoringof the showcases. Transregional partners (SMEETS, INRAE, NP, PSKW, VLACO, AU, NBF)contribute with expertise and support transfer. Regional supporters from varioussectors (Ax.1a) are included for further transfer initiatives. Selected showcases arefurther analysed in WP4.