
This section contains maps with geodata that represents sources for any type of geodata. You can explore the original dataset, zoom and filter. As soon as the Inventory module is released, you will be able to perform automated inventories with these datasets to conduct case studies that reveal the potential in catchment areas that are of interest for you.

Learning Material

To learn more about the use of geodata in bioresource management, check out the Lectures for Future series "Sustainable Urban Bioresource Management" of the Hamburg Open Online University. Recommended lecture for this topic:
"Geoinformation Systems: The Use of Geodata for Bioresource Management and Biorefinery Planning"

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This dataset contains greenhouses that lie within the FLEXIBI case study region of Nantes and are used to grow either tomatoes, cucumbers or both. This dataset was provided to FLEXIBI Partner INRAe by the Association of Horticulturists. It contains information about growth cycles and growth area for the respective crops.

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This dataset is comprised of two merged datasets: The Hamburg roadside cadastre, which is maintained by Hamburg's authority on environment, climate, energy and agriculture (BUKEA) and the hamburg port authority roadside tree cadastre, which is maintained by the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA). It contains all locations of roadside trees in the city state of Hamburg including information about tree genus, year of plantation, stem circumference and crown circumference.

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A map of NUTS regions. A geographical system used by Eurostat to represent division of each EU’s country in hierarchical levels.

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The interactive biowaste collection map is being built within the SOILCOM project to learn more about the way biowaste is collected in European countries.