Material component groups
Name Description
Biochemical Composition Fractionation by organic molecule groups (e.g. carbohydrates, lignin etc.). This can be done in defferent levels of detail. Sum parameters for aggregation can be applied.
Carbon Fractions
Chemical Elements Chemical elemets refer to the periodic table. Several fractionation methods exist, such as chromatography or gravimetry.
Macro Components Macro components are other materials that comprise a new material as mixture. Typically, the macro components can be sorted visually by hand.
Nitrogen fractions
Organic/Inorganic This group is used to fractionate materials into organic and inorganic (i.e. ash) parts.
Solids/Water The ratio of total solids and water that is determined by evaporating all water from and fresh matter sample.
Total Material The total material group consists of 100% fresh matter by default. It is a utility group to have a basis of all other compositions to start from.