Material Categories Description
Biodegradable plastic bags Biowaste component
Biowaste Mixed biowaste (Food waste + Green waste)
Cucumber Greenhouse Residue Residues from cucumber production in greenhouses
Food waste: Non-processed animal-based Biowaste component Parts of animals or animal products such as e.g. bones, raw meat, egg shells etc.
Food waste: Non-processed plant-based Biowaste component Leftovers from food preparation such as peels, unedible plant parts etc.
Food waste: Processed animal-based Biowaste component Leftovers of processed products, such as saussages, cooked meat, yoghurt etc.
Food waste: Processed plant-based Biowaste component Leftovers from processed plant-based food, such as cooked rice, old bread, etc.
Garden and Park waste Vegetable matter from gardening and landscaping.
Garden waste: Hard materials Biowaste component Woody material from gardening, such as large branches, wood chips, tree trunks etc.
Garden waste: Soft materials Biowaste component Materials from gardening like lawn clippings, weeds, old soil etc.