
Bioresources are generated in many different ways and from many different sources. Many of them are residue-based and vary a lot in quantity and quality of the bioresource they generate. Similar sources may generate different quantities and qualities of bioresources depending on their location. Biowaste from households, for example, depends a lot on the way, the collection is organised by the local collector.

This module provides an overview of several models that describe the generation of types of residues-based bioresources. Over time, more models will be added in order to be able to paint a more complete picture of the landscape of bioresource generation and streams.

Learning Material

To learn more about bioresources from different sources, check out the Lectures for Future series of the Hamburg Open Online University. Recommended lectures for this topic:

An in depth short track course on the circular economy of food waste:

The interactive biowaste collection map is being built within the SOILCOM project to learn more about the way biowaste is collected in European countries.

Greenhouses produce a substantial amount of biogenic residues both during growth cycles and during harvest. This model stems from the FLEXIBI project and was created to describe the greenhouses in the vicinity of Nantes, France.